
Let’s delve into the depths of what the government isn’t telling you, in a creative way of course.

Publication Design

Secrets | Publication

How would you feel if everything the government was doing was out in the open, every little secret revealed? Welcome to Secrecy.

Delve into the depths of this publication designed for Susanne Krasmann’s piece on Secrecy.

For a third-year university class, where the brief stated to design a publication inspired by a supplied text. I chose this text because I felt it had the most opportunity to create something unique as well as put me outside of my comfort zone. I wanted to make this publication feel as though it was a document that got out into the public eye. I chose red to represent the hidden secrets and crossed out, highlighted, and enlarged words to make it appear as if someone had manipulated it to make it difficult to find out the real meaning.

The Design

Media: Digital

Year: 2021

University Project